I have several websites and always get into troubles transferring all of the files because it takes so long even if the size is so small... but they are to many... ;) so I thought that could be useful to compress them in only one file and transfer it as one.
How to make that ? quick dirty and easy through the usage of a piece of software from GiveMeEnergy Projects, by ThoR<AE> :
1. you need the attached library class.backup.php
2. you need to make a script like the following:
$bk= $_GET['dir'];
if($bk === NULL){
echo "Missing dirname <br>";
echo "usage: http://url/backup.php?dir=./DIRNAME_WITHOUT_/";
$filename = date("Y_m_d__H_i");
### Start Class ###
$mkBackup = new BackUp;
### Folder to Backup ###
### Where to put the gzipped file ###
### Save as... ###
### If You want to echo the info ###
// $mkBackup->Debug();
### Run Backup ###
echo "backup doing <br>";
echo "backup done <br>";
### Set Filename .sql ###
echo "backup doing db<br>";
echo "backup done db";
echo "you can find the files here:<br>";
echo "<a href=\"./$bckdir/$filename.tar.gz\">$filename.tar.gz</a>";
echo "<br><a href=\"./$filename.sql\">$filename.sql</a>";}
echo "<br> this is provided by <a href=\"http://www.lxphotostudio.info\">Lxphotostudio";
thats it
come to visit my web site at www.lxphotostudio.info or lxphotostudio.mine.nu
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